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Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Come Up With Good Conversation Topics

Want to be a success in conversation? Using good conversation topics will make you an interesting person to talk to. Not only will you be more popular, but you'll be more successful in dating, business, and personal relationships.

What makes for a good dinner conversation topic or dating topic? It needs to interest most or all of the people involved in the conversation. If one person loves sports, while the others despise it, that is not a good conversation topic

Do you always know what to say in conversation? Taking some time to prepare good conversation topics will help you. If you are dating find come good conversation topics. Read on to learn more.

Check the News

Glance at the newspaper everyday. Look for interesting stories, opinions, or comments that you are interested in and would likely interest others. Even the opinions of readers writing in can be interesting.

One time I glanced at the newspaper at the local coffee shop. Later I visited a person and said, "Hey, did you see about the new interstate they are building. What do you think?" This started the conversation and we moved on to other topics.

Remember, an amazing conversation topic is one you are both interested in. If you see them lose interest, ask another question and steer the conversation elsewhere.

Your Partner's Life

People love to talk about themselves and their life. A good conversationalist will keep the person talking about themselves. You can do this by showing interest and listening.

How is your family?“
What did you do for fun this weekend?
What are your summer plans?

Direct the conversation and make small talk in the areas that are of interest to you. Don't bore you self by having to listen to someone talk about an unexciting subject

Family, career, can all be of interest.

Caution. Sometimes individuals are very private and do not want to share about their life. Start by opening up and sharing about yourself then you can cask about them.
Use Good Conversation Questions

Sharing one unique conversation question can help you leave a great impression and keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

If you won Survivor, how would you spend the money?

If you can have any skill, which one would you get?

While some topics spark conversation, others will kill it faster than a cup of water on a candle.

Any Topic Where you Complain

When a person starts talking about how bad things are going in their life and blaming everyone, I look for the closet exit. If they are genuinely sharing, then I’ll listen and encourage. However, if they just want to blame everything in life, I’m leaving.

Focus on the positive so you'll leave a good impression.

Topics that bore your conversation partner
You may be excited about a topic, but watch your partner. When the eyes glaze over, you’ lost them and that is a horrible conversation topic. Quickly switch gears.

Don't leave home without having good conversation topics.You'll have an amazing conversation if you do.

Every time I leave to go somewhere, I think of several great conversation topics. It has helped me on dates, career, and even coaching people in ESL.

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