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Friday, September 16, 2005

Anniversary-2, New Version of Google Chrome Launched Simak Baca secara fonetik

Viewing in recent times, no doubt, technology has evolved very rapidly since 2008 and some areas have evolved as well as a Web browser. Competition has taken place with really hot. Microsoft have found themselves lagging behind in terms of features and flexibility, the growing popularity of Firefox, Safari has won the support of the extension, and Google Chrome has entered the fold.
Clearly, the search engine giant will bring solid products to pasardan there are plenty of solid alternatives to Internet Explorer now.

 This Sunday marks the two year anniversary of Chrome, and even the browser that has changed a lot (better) since 2008. In order to celebrate the second year, Google released a new stable version (Chrome 6) which is faster and more efficient than previous versions. Chrome is now three times faster than two years ago on the performance of JavaScript, and UI has been stripped down to make browsing more simple.
Google has also promised that they would not be too long a break to celebrate a birthday. The following edition of Chrome already done, promising speeds will be faster even when the browser was released in the future.

Jonah Hex: Go West and Megan Fox Shows Keep Up as One of World's Worst Actress

Jonah Hex adalah campuran unik dari cerita horor, komik dan Barat. Anda tidak akan melihat yang seperti ini.

Itu karena hampir segala sesuatunya salah. Setiap karakter stereotipe, dari macho itu, bekas luka karunia pemburu yang kehilangan keluarganya dan sekarang masuk putaran membunuh orang ‘(Josh Brolin) sampai beberapa penjahat kaok-kaokan (John Malkovich dan Michael Fassbender).

Hampir semuanya tidak dapat dijelaskan, khususnya beberapa persenjataan super canggih, kemampuan Jonah tidak biasa berbicara dengan orang mati, dan beberapa perkelahian yang mungkin atau mungkin tidak sekuens mimpi.

Almost all of them can not be explained, especially in some super-sophisticated weaponry, Jonah unusual ability to speak with the dead, and several fights that may or may not be a dream sequence.